The First of December…

The First of December…

It’s difficult to re-create what it feels like to live through a pivotal historical moment, but following videos do a good job. On the evening of Monday, December 1st, 1969, millions of eyes were glued to “prime-time” television as entertainment...

History vs. Historical Fiction

One of my biggest reading disappointments ever was Edmund Morris’ biography of Ronald Reagan—and not because of the subject. ‘Dutch’ came out in 1999; Morris died in 2019. This tale may seem remote to those under forty but please hang in there. ‘Dutch’ was a...


Check your purse, pocket, or hand. Smart phone? Yep. Called it. That hardly makes me a prophet. Unless you’re spelunking deep in a cavern, shepherding in the Australian Outback, or ski-trekking in Antarctica,* you expect the instant potential for human connection....


A reader who knows I’ve lived my whole life near Boston asked: How did Nebraska come to figure in Covered With Snow? Here’s the gist of that back story (no spoilers). In the late ‘90s I had my dream job. was booming, up-ending assumptions. How will the...

Geeking-Out on Fonts

I used to think it pretentious that the authors of certain literary novels (or more likely, their highfalutin publishing houses) would devote space to discussing fonts. (Here’s why we specially designed this unique font for you, oh discerning reader.) Really? If...
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